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Before deciding to study for a Bachelor of Computer Science, I was a bookkeeper for a law firm and a few small non-law firm clients. My prior profession was as a conveyancing paralegal. One of my previous bosses offered me the job as their bookkeeper, so I got a Diploma in Accounting to become a better bookkeeper.

Neither of those jobs has any relation to Computer Science. Each university subject is new to me, and I find the first few weeks very challenging until I feel more comfortable and familiar with the new coursework.
Each university subject has allowed me to learn new skills and express my personality within the confines of the assignment requirements. It wasn't easy to choose a sample to showcase.

This assessment shows my ability to use the R to perform exploratory data analysis and present the findings graphically and computationally. The results were interpreted in relation to the scientific question posed.


This is one of the projects I completed while doing extra study during one of my university breaks. It solidified my understanding of essential mathematical concepts used in machine learning. I also learned about many Python library packages I had not experienced before.

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